Hackers Ignited

A budding team of newly thirteens passionate about exploring new skills and change the world.



This website has been created for Hack_JPS. It is dedicated to inspire people around the world to Machine Learning. This project falls under 3 categories: 'Front-end development', 'Data usage' and 'Best community hack'. The website (created by Srijan Kumar) contains 4 projects:
  • Flower image classifier (Try our project section)
  • Art image classifier (Try our project section)
  • Song Generator - Michael Jackson style!!! (Try our project section)
  • Chatbot (Click that FAQ's/green question button)

Try our Projects

Flower Classifier
A classifier which can classify a flower as lotus, rose and sunflower. The dataset has been created by our team from the data on the internet. The dataset has been cleaned for accurate training by our team. The code is completely flexible and the model is highly precise.
Download now! View dataset
Art Classifier
A classifier which can classify paintings as pop, pencil sketch and water colour. The dataset has been created by our team from the data on the internet. The code is completely flexible and the model has high accuarcy.
Download now! View dataset
Song Generator (Michael Jackson style!!!)
This NLP (Natural Language Processing) model is capable of generating music in Michael Jackson's style! The model is not perfect but it will surely show you the power of machine language processing.
See and run youself now! Download corpus

Contact our Team

Any questions about us? Talk to our bot, pure AI!